Largest used cars seller in the Baltic countries.
We sell cars, vans, campers, motorcycles, yachts, tractors, trucks, trailers, buses, construction vehicles, lift trucks, agricultural machinery and transport-related goods.
We are proud to be one of the leaders in cars market of Baltic countries. Our secret of success is perfectionism, responsibility for the quality, honesty and transparency of the tax system.
Our company in used cars field works for about 20 years, so we feel free to call ourselves - car experts. All these years we accumulated valuable experience, developed knowledges, studied and analyzed the constantly changing market and reached one goal
To become valuable and professional car seller which provides only hight quality services.
11 mln.
Then and now
Our trip started in 1996 in Tallinn, Estonia. Our first sold car was Skoda Favorit and in the first BRC center there were standing only few cars, but because of clear purpose and obstinacy now we are working in all the Baltic countries - Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia.
Today in our centers stand more than 1 thousand cars and buyers car choose a car from 11 million cars in our database from all Europe.

Most expensive car sold
Porsche Cayenne
183 909 €
Over 55 000
Over 65 000
sold cars
since 1996m.
> 1000vnt.
in BRC group now